Pre-Match/Training Nutrition
To perform at your best your body needs to have adequate carbohydrate fuel stores in the muscles and liver. Carbohydrate is stored in the muscles as glycogen to provide an important fuel source for sport. Carbohydrate is also stored as glycogen in smaller amounts in the liver. This glycogen reserve helps maintain blood glucose levels, and becomes very important during prolonged workouts or endurance sports. The normal overnight fast (during sleep) will lower liver glycogen stores, which in turn can reduce your endurance performance.
If you are training or competing each day, particularly if you do more than one session, it is crucial that you constantly replenish your muscle glycogen levels. The carbohydrates eaten in the last hours before sport can help to top up this important fuel. If you are training or competing a couple of times per week your carbohydrate requirements will be different to someone who trains daily.
Eating a carbohydrate rich meal or snack before sport gives you a much better chance of maintaining normal blood glucose levels and enhancing both physical and mental performance. Adequate hydration is also paramount. For this reason you should consume fluid throughout the days leading into competition, not just in the hours leading into a match.
As a guide the choice of meal, snack and fluids should be:
Ideal Pre-match/Training meals include:
Post-Match/Training Nutrition for Recovery
Traditionally, tennis players have considered carbohydrate only on the eve of the match. Players need to ensure that they consume suitable amounts of nutrient dense carbohydrates to help replenish glycogen stores and high quality protein sources to help repair muscle damage. Muscle damage and injury, caused for example by training or lifting weights, will increase both carbohydrate and protein requirements. Active recovery should begin as soon as each exercise session finishes (within 15-30 minutes). A recovery snack followed with the resumption of the moderate carbohydrate diet will aid the recovery process. Elite tennis players have highly developed nutrition recovery strategies focused around carbohydrate replenishment, protein for repair and regeneration of muscle tissue, fluid to reverse dehydration, and other nutrients to help reduce the impact of tennis matches and training on the body.
Recovery after a workout or competitive event encompasses a number of nutrition-related processes including the three R’s:
Examples of post-exercise snacks
Carbohydrate + protein focused:
Examples of post match meals that have the ideal mix of protein and carbohydrates, while limiting fat intake.