LifeTime Tennis Blog

What Should be in Your Tennis Bag?

Written by Marc Svenson | Jul 24, 2020 2:48:26 AM

With school holidays and tournament time approaching, this is a good time to think about what items are a necessity when preparing your tennis bag

Having all the necessary equipment in your tennis bag can be the difference between winning and losing!

Not having water bottles filled or needing to re grip a racquet mid-match are distractions that can cause a loss of focus during a tennis match. While it may seem obvious, making sure all your equipment is prepared and ready before your match is a simple way to help you get your best results.

Tennis Racquets:

This one is pretty obvious but you also need to make sure your racquets are ready, this means freshly gripped and strung. If you frequently break strings make sure to have an adequate number of racquets ready for your match (generally 3 or 4 racquets is recommended for regular tournament players)

Water and food:

Keeping hydrated through a long match is important if you want to keep performing at a high level throughout the whole tournament. Make sure you have your water bottles filled and ready before your match begins.

Carrying some small snacks such as a banana is also a good idea to keep your energy levels up during longer matches.


Your towel is an essential tool in your bag not only for wiping down sweat but also for maintaining your routines between points and refocusing for the big points in your match.

String, Grips and additional gear:

Travelling for tournaments can often mean visiting unfamiliar tennis clubs which may not stock the type of string or grips that you prefer to use. Knowing all your racquets are exactly as you want them can be good mental edge.

If you use a vibration dampener, it’s a good idea to carry spares in your bag.

If you have any injuries be sure to pack medical tape and any injury prevention or maintenance you need.

Fitness equipment:

Skipping ropes, resistance bands & foam rollers. Having access to these pieces of equipment can help you be physically prepared for your matches and to keep you in the best physical condition when playing a large volume of matches over a tournament period. Maintaining your body over the course of back to back matches can be the key to success in the later stages of a tournament.

Spare Clothes:

With the possibility of playing multiple matches in the same day without the chance to leave the centre means having a fresh set of clothes is essential in staying prepared for a full day of playing.

Tennis balls:

Another piece of equipment that seems obvious but is often overlooked, making sure you have spare tennis balls packed means being able to train or warm up before a game at any opportunity.

“Failing to prepare is preparing for failure”

Having all your equipment ready before your match will leave you free to fully concentrate on your tennis game, so make sure your ready for success during your tournaments by having these items in your tennis bag before you leave home!